Beard growth is not simple for some men. Many men struggle to grow a full beard even when they stop using a razor and let their facial hair grow out. Part of the issue has to do with the development of facial hair itself.
The stubble on your face does not always grow evenly or where you want it to. And, as much as you might want to see a luscious beard grown, you might end up with a patch of facial hair after letting your hair grow for a few months.
Genetic factors can be part of the facial hair loss problem. Without the right genes, proper beard growth may be impossible for you. In other words, not everyone has the genes to grow a great beard. While you might be disappointed with your ability to naturally grow a beard, all hope is not lost.
Modern medicine and cosmetic procedures have come a long way over the past decade. And, with the help of scientific intervention, you can grow the beard you have always dreamed of. But, how is this possible, and what methods can you use to grow a beard?
Beard growth medicine is one possible option. Simple over-the-counter drugs can help improve facial hair growth and provide you with a luscious beard. But, if you want more lasting results, without the constant use of medication, cosmetic surgery may be necessary.
Facial hair transplants are growing more and more popular each year. This procedure allows you to naturally grow facial hair without the aid of a product. Still, what are the potential outcomes of beard transplantation, and are there any beard transplant side effects you should be made aware of?
What about beard growth medicine, can you expect any side effects and complications? Throughout the rest of this article, we will discuss the associated risks for each in detail.

Hair Transplant Miami: Beard Hair Transplantation – Part 1

Hair Transplant Miami: Beard Hair Transplantation – Part 2
Are There Side Effects to a Beard Transplant?
With beard transplantation, patients can expect some mild side effects. The severity of the side effects will depend on the individual, but there are a few common symptoms to be mindful of.
One of the main side effects of a beard transplant is hair shedding, ironically. This is a normal step of the healing process, however, as the implanted hair typically falls out but new healthy hair will regrow in its place.
Swelling and redness are the most common side effects. Your face could become puffy and inflamed after the surgery. In addition, redness may develop from inflammation.
Some patients also describe feeling a slight numbness in their face or some tightness in the skin. This is nothing to be concerned with, as these side effects will only last briefly after surgery.
Finally, scarring can be another potential side effect. Especially in the area where your hair was harvested. However, hair will grow back over the area and will keep any noticeable signs of scarring hidden from view.
The amount of scarring does depend on which procedure you decide to do. With FUE, you will develop less scaring. Small scars develop when hair is taken from the donor site. But, with FUT, since an entire patch of skin is being removed, the scar will be a lot bigger and has a chance of being more noticeable.
But, most of these symptoms should subsist after a few weeks. If you experience any of these side effects for more than two weeks post-transplantation, then make sure to inform your doctor.
What Are Possible Side Effects of Beard Growth Medicine?
The side effects of beard growth medicine are pretty minimal. However, some people do experience side effects from different types of beard regrowth medicine.
With supplements, you are much less likely to get any kind of side effects, as you are only putting nutrients in your body that may or may not jumpstart the hair follicle production.
With products like Rogaine, though, you could experience facial irritation and redness. Some consumers also report hair growing in unexpected places near the area where they initially apply the medication. A candidate’s hair might grow with a different color (risk of discoloration) or texture than they were expecting.
Unlike beard transplantation, beard growth medicine is far less risky and causes less disruption to your face and the rest of your body.

How Do These Options Differ? Beard Transplantation vs. Beard Growth Medicine
Now that you know what the side effects of beard transplantation and beard growth medicine are, let’s discuss what a beard transplant entails, and how it differs from beard growth medicine specifically.
1. Beard Transplantation Is Performed By a Medical Professional
Beard transplantation is costly but effective. It is done by a board-certified surgeon who will remove hair follicles from a specific area of your body. After this, your doctor will take those hair follicles and then put them on your face so you can grow a beard.
With beard growth medicine, the process differs significantly. You don’t need a medical professional to get this product or apply it. You simply buy it from a local store and apply it to your face.
2. Beard Transplantation Requires Surgery, Beard Growth Medicine Does Not
Beard transplants can sound like a simple procedure. However, there is a lot more involved in this process than you would think. On the other hand, beard growth medicine is easy to use and does not involve surgery.
In short, if you choose to try beard transplantation, you will have to undergo surgery. Typically your surgeon will choose one of two methods to complete the transplant. One of the most popular beard transplantation methods performed is Follicular unit extraction, also known as FUE.
This approach is done by harvesting complete follicular units one at a time from the donor area. FUE is less painful, which makes it a more popular and more commonly performed procedure.
The second method you could have your doctor try is follicular unit transplantation, this is also referred to as FUT. This is a more invasive procedure that requires deeper incisions and some skin removal. With this option, your surgeon will take skin tissue from the back of your head.
The tissue removed will contain hair follicles that will be transplanted near the area your beard will grow. For both methods, thousands of hair follicles will be gathered and grafted from one area of the body.
3. Beard Growth Medicine Saves You Time, But At What Cost?
What if you don’t want to undergo cosmetic surgery to grow your beard? If you are hesitant about seeing a plastic surgeon, beard growth might be the better option for you. There is a range of beard growth medicines you can purchase too.
And, beard growth medicine varies in its effectiveness and strength. But, the most popular type of beard growth medicine, at the moment, is known as minoxidil, also called rogaine.
Rogaine is easy to find and sold cheaply at local stores. Typically, this product is used to induce hair growth on your scalp. However, more people are using Rogaine to grow beards. The effectiveness of this beard growth medicine is mixed and up for debate.
4. Beard Transplants Create More Facial Hair, Beard Growth Medicine Doesn’t
Rogaine doesn’t create more hair growth, though, it just allows facial hair to remain on the face, this way hair doesn’t fall off and cause patchiness on your face. For people with less severe issues growing facial hair, beard growth medicine could work well.
With more hair staying on your face you will be able to have a more full beard. But, if you have trouble getting enough hair on your face, to begin with, then beard growth medicine might not be enough to solve your facial hair problems.
Other products can be tried as well if Rogaine does not work. Hair growth supplements are often bought to improve facial hair growth. They might contain nutrients like vitamin c, biotin, and vitamin A. But, if you can’t grow hair on your face naturally, your genetic makeup is probably at fault.
In this case, beard transplantation surgery may be necessary. Transplantation of hair follicles will create the growth you want.
5. Beard Transplantation Has A Longer Recovery Time Than Beard Growth Medicine
Comparing these two options, there is a marked difference in recovery time. With beard growth medicines, you won’t have to worry about any type of recovery. You simply put the growth medicine on your face and let your beard grow out.
Beard transplantation surgery does have a recovery period. But, unlike a lot of other cosmetic surgeries, not a very long one, at that.
Within a day, you should feel fine. Still, your face will need a little more time to rest and heal.
For at least two weeks, you will notice scabbing, redness, and general irritation to your beard area. After this time you can start resume shaving normally.
But, do not be surprised if your beard hair falls out after a few weeks. This is a normal step of the process. The hair will grow back and better facial hair will take its place. But this could take a few months to happen, so be patient with your expected results.
Which Option is Right For You?
Both beard transplantation and beard growth medicine can be beneficial for men trying to lengthen and grow out their beards. But, depending on what you are trying to accomplish, one option might be preferred over the other.
Going over the information again, beard growth medicine is better if you are trying to save money and want to skip the lengthy process of one-on-one doctor & patient consultation and surgery. You can solve your beard problems right from the comfort of your home with over-the-counter beard growth medicine, with the only worry being whether it’s effective or not.
On the other hand, beard transplantation can be a costlier option but is far more effective and only requires a short recovery period. Choosing to go with beard transplantation does offer a medley of benefits. Namely, the results of beard transplantation are more noticeable and lasting than that of beard growth medicine.
Of course, this will depend on the individual and their specific situation. But in most cases, transplantation of hair follicles to the face will result in a much thicker beard.

There are side effects to consider with any cosmetic procedure, but beard transplant-related side effects are not major and will not interfere greatly with your day-to-day life. In truth, though, if you don’t have the genes to grow a beard, beard growth medicine won’t be enough, and transplantation might be necessary to improve the appearance of facial hair.
How to Reduce Side Effects and Care For Your Face After Beard Transplantation?
Side effects are common with any type of plastic surgery. Still, patients can reduce the duration of their side effects and take care of their faces after surgery to minimize any issues. This includes keeping your skin, specifically your face, away from direct sunlight or direct sources of heat.
You also need to stop smoking and try to minimize strenuous activity. This way, you don’t sweat too much and affect your follicle transplants.
Patients shouldn’t scratch or rub at their face. You will create more irritation and redness on your face. Infection also becomes more likely when you dig into the skin with your nails.
Instead, use the ointment your doctor gave you as discussed during the post-operative care instructions portion of your consultation. You should have been given an antibiotic cream to help heal the target areas. Make sure to use this daily to help reduce your recovery time.
Bear Transplantation Frequently Asked Questions
In general, beard transplantation is not a dangerous procedure. With new cosmetic techniques, the transplantation of hair follicles is painless and easy to recover from. But, like any type of procedure, there is some risk involved. This includes infection, scarring, and other medical complications.
As long as you get a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your surgery, the danger should be minimized. You are also much more likely to get the results you want, and you won’t risk losing your hair follicles.
Beard growth medicine has very few side effects, and none of them are severe, the main factor being whether it’s effective or not. However, if you have certain medical conditions, you will want to stay away from certain hair growth products. For instance, Rogaine should not be used if you have high blood pressure, tumors, any type of organ damage, or have heart issues in general.
The average person will be fine using this product, though. But just keep this information in mind. Hair growth supplements should be fine to use, as well. Just make sure to consult your doctor if you have any underlying health issues.
If you do not have the right genes, and beard growth medicine just isn’t cutting it, how do you know that beard transplantation will work for you? Well, in most cases, beard transplant surgery is highly successful. Very few of these surgeries fail, and most patients can grow a full beard after having this procedure done by a professional.
However, it will take time for your beard to look the way you want it to. You might not see the results for months, but this is expected for natural-looking results. For most patients, after around eight to nine months you will see the full results and know that your transplant was a success. Some people will see these results sooner, but this depends on your body.
Both beard transplantation procedures create similar results and have a similar recovery and growth period, as well. With FUT, though, you might get a slightly fuller beard. This is because way more hair follicles can be harvested with this method of surgery.
This comes at the cost of some extra scarring in the scalp and more potential side effects. But, patients who are in dire need of transplantation might want to go with this option. It all depends on your needs and your particular situation.
Want to know more about Beard Transplant?
- Comparing Hair Transplant Results: Dr. Anthony Bared vs. Other Competitors
- Beard Transplant vs. Medical Beard Growth Solutions: What’s Best for You?
- What to Expect Before, During, & After a Beard Transplant
- Surgical Techniques for Beard Implants
- Side Effects of Beard Transplantation
- Beard transplant risks you should be aware of before surgery
- Recovery Process for Facial Hair Transplants
- Beard Growth Medications
- FTM Transgender Beard Transplantation
- Ethnic Patients Facial Hair Restoration
Talk to a Beard Restoration Professional Today
Talk with a hair restoration specialist before you choose any of these options. A one-on-one consultation plays an important role in any kind of cosmetic procedure you decide to get. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions. This way, you can get the right transplantation for yourself and avoid any risks.
If you are interested in having a beard transplant in Miami or the surrounding South Florida areas, contact Dr. Bared today. Free consultations are available through appointment. You can talk one-on-one with Dr. Bared, Miami’s trusted facial plastic surgeon, by filling out the online contact form or requesting a virtual consultation.
You want to talk with the right plastic surgeon to get the results you are looking for, and Dr. Bared has the experience and expertise to ensure that your operation is a smooth and successful one. This way your beard grows exactly how you want it to.