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Earlobe Repair in Miami

Discover renewed confidence with earlobe repair by Dr. Anthony Bared in Miami, FL. Over time, aging and incidents can lead to elongated, sagging earlobes, often exacerbated by frequent ear piercing and earrings. This procedure offers a tailored solution, restoring symmetry and youthfulness, enabling you to proudly flaunt your favorite earrings once more.

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Why Consider an Earlobe Repair Surgery?

Dr. Anthony Bared offers a cosmetic procedure for earlobe repair in Miami, FL, helping restore natural beauty and symmetry.
Earlobe repair surgery offers a tailored solution to restore your ear’s natural symmetry

Earlobe repair or earlobe reduction is a surgical procedure used to address issues related to stretched, stretched-out, or torn earlobes. It helps improve the appearance of the ear and correct any deformity resulting from damage caused by jewelry such as heavy earrings or an injury. It may also help reduce self-consciousness about the appearance of the ears and improve overall confidence levels.

If you have the desire to repair ripped earlobes, holes, stretch, or lengthen your earlobes, then you may be a candidate for an earlobe repair surgery. This surgery can fix:

  • Enlarged piercing holes
  • Asymmetrical earlobes
  • Stretched earlobes
  • Torn earlobes

My visit to Dr. Bared, was excellent, before the surgery was started I was feeling comfortable and after the surgery I was more motivated that he would do a perfect job in which he did.

  • Real patient

The Earlobe Repair Consultation

Dr. Anthony Bared is an experienced plastic surgeon with an Office in Miami, who has performed all manner of facial plastic surgery with great success. He is also a highly trained ear, nose, and throat doctor, so he is very familiar with the health and biology of the human ear. You can rest assured that he will do everything possible to give you the results you are looking for. With him, you can get some of the best work available, as well as expert advice and answers to your questions. During the consultation process, he will discuss many things with you, like:

  • Why do you want the surgery?
  • What results you are looking for
  • How the damage occurred
  • Your medical history
  • Your current state of health

He will be friendly and professional, to make you as comfortable as possible during your meeting. After discussing these things with you, Dr. Bared will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

If you want results for your entire ear, he may recommend that you have your earlobe repair done during an otoplasty, where he can do more extensive reshaping and resizing. However, if you are looking for simple earlobe repair only, the process is quite easy and can even include non-surgical earlobe repair options.

If you like, you can bring a list of questions to your consultation, which he will be happy to answer. Then you can feel fully informed and reassured when you make your decision. At the end of your consultation, you will know whether earlobe repair is right for you. Then you can go forward with the surgical procedure.

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Dr. Bared’s Approach to a Earlobe Repair Procedure

If you have decided to have more extensive work done on your ear with an otoplasty, you can visit our page to read more there. Earlobe repair will only affect a small portion of your ear, and won’t alter the overall appearance like an intensive otoplasty procedure.

If you decide to opt for more extensive ear work, your earlobe repair will happen while he performs the rest of what you need. However, if all you need is earlobe repair, this can be achieved right in the office with a local anesthetic as is an outpatient procedure. It is a quick and relatively painless surgery. Here is a general idea of what to expect:

Step 1: Local Anesthesia in the Earlobe Repair Procedure

You won’t need anything stronger than this, as the procedure is fairly quick and simple. Dr. Bared will explain this to you during the consultation.

Step 2: The incision in the Earlobe Repair Procedure

The doctor will create raw edges of skin, which can then be brought together to heal into one whole piece. Various surgical techniques can be used depending on if you want to shorten your earlobes by removing excess skin and fatty tissue. You can ask the doctor exactly what he will need to do for your particular procedure, so you know what will be happening.

Step 3: Sutures done in the Earlobe Repair Procedure

Typically, suture removal is one week after the cosmetic surgery. Dr. Bared will explain what you can expect as well as postoperative care.

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Earlobe Repair Before & After Photos

Each patient is unique and individual results may vary*.

Recovery and Results from an Earlobe Repair

Dr. Bared will give you instructions for the care of your repaired earlobe, to ensure a healthy recovery. You can expect some mild discomfort, which may be alleviated with counter pain medication such as Tylenol. There may also be itching or tenderness, but it will heal within a few days. You will apply antibiotic ointment twice a day for 5 to 7 days. To further improve the healing process, Dr. Bared may have you use silicone sheeting tape on your earlobes at night starting about 3 weeks after your procedure. Your earlobe will be as good as new, and you can follow up with Dr. Bared to make sure. You should be able to return to wearing earrings in about three months.

Cost of Earlobe Repair

The average cost of earlobe repair surgery in Miami is between $800 and $1,500. The exact price will depend on the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon performing it.

Why Choose Dr. Anthony Bared

Dr. Anthony Bared
Anthony Bared, M.D., F.A.C.S.

FAQ about Earlobe Repair

Last modified by Dr. Anthony Bared