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Cheek Reduction Surgery
in Miami, FL

Transform overly prominent cheeks to elegant contours. Opt for cheek reduction by Dr. Anthony Bared in Miami, FL. Witness refined facial harmony and enhanced confidence without prolonged recovery.

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What is Cheek Reduction Surgery?

The procedure involves removing excess fat from the cheeks, which helps improve the definition of facial muscle
The procedure involves removing excess fat from the cheeks, which helps improve the definition of facial muscle

Cheek reduction surgery is a relatively new plastic surgery technique that is used to change the shape of the face by altering its facial structure. It is designed to create a more chiseled appearance while still maintaining the patient’s ability to perform normal activities. The procedure involves removing excess fat from the cheeks, which helps improve the definition of facial muscles, as well as tightening underlying tissues for a more contoured look. In addition, cheek reduction surgeries can also be used to correct any asymmetry or disproportion in facial features. This type of plastic surgery can provide an aesthetic improvement that can help boost self-confidence and overall satisfaction with one’s appearance.

Dear. Dr Bared & Team

Thank you for your excellent care throughout the entire surgery and healing process. You all are awesome! I’m so excited with the results.

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Buccal Fat Removal Surgery (Cheek Reduction Procedure)

Removal of buccal fat pads (cheek reduction surgery) is an office-based surgical procedure designed to (chubby cheeks or “chipmunk cheeks”) that in many patients persists through adulthood, creating a fuller rounded facial shape that many patients seek to have eliminated. Taking less than 45 minutes in most cases to perform, it involves the removal of the collection of fat through a small incision made inside of the mouth (so there’s no visible scarring). Rather than liposuction, the fat is gently teased out, allowing it to be removed as one large collection of fat, as shown in the photo below. Several sutures that dissolve are placed to close the incisions, and healing is within a matter of a few days, with minimal to no discomfort nor bruising, minimizing the risks involved in any type of surgical procedure.

This buccal fat removal procedure can be performed stand-alone or at the same time as a facelift to provide a more sculpted facial appearance, helping to enhance the definition of the cheekbones. Click here to contact Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Bared to discuss your treatment options.

It is the optimal procedure to get your desired face shape
background wavy lines

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Types of Cheek Reduction Surgeries

Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal is a safe procedure used to reduce fat deposits in the cheeks that often cause rounder-looking faces. The procedure is designed to slim down the face while still maintaining natural-looking results and patient satisfaction. During the buccal fat removal procedure, fat deposits are carefully removed from the inside of the cheeks, allowing for subtle changes that create a more sculpted facial appearance. The benefit of this procedure is that it carries minimal risk and can be completed quickly with minimal downtime. Additionally, it helps create a slimmer look within weeks without any visible scarring or large incisions being made. 

Buccal Fat Pad

Buccal fat pad excision, also known as cheek reduction surgery, is a minimally-invasive procedure used to reduce rounded cheeks. During the procedure, actual fatty tissue is removed from the buccal fat pad located in the middle of each cheek to create a more sculpted look. The end result of this procedure can be seen within weeks, and patients typically experience minimal discomfort or downtime afterward. One benefit of buccal fat pad excision is that it carries a much lower risk of complications compared to other facial surgeries since it does not involve any incisions or large amounts of tissue removal. By removing excess fat from the cheeks, individuals can achieve a more youthful look while still maintaining their overall facial features.

Chubby Cheeks Correction

Chubby Cheeks Correction is a corrective procedure used to reduce the appearance of roundness in the cheeks. This procedure involves a thorough facial analysis by a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure the correct procedure is being used to achieve the desired result. Excess fat is then carefully removed from the face, which helps create a sleeker, more defined facial contour without compromising other facial features. With this procedure, patients can achieve a more youthful look while still maintaining their overall facial structure.

Cheek Reduction Before & After Photos

Each patient is unique and individual results may vary*.

Cost of Cheek Reduction Surgery in Miami, FL

The cost of cheek reduction surgery in Miami, FL typically ranges from $2,000 to $6,000, depending on the extent of work needed. The exact cost of the procedure will depend on factors such as the surgeon’s experience and skill level, how much fat is being removed, and if any additional treatments are involved. Patients should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine the exact price for their unique case.

What to expect after a Cheek Reduction Surgery

Patients can expect minimal discomfort after cheek reduction surgery. Swelling and bruising around the area of treatment are common, and ice packs may be used to reduce this. Pain medication may be prescribed as needed, but most patients require no more than over-the-counter medications for any minor discomfort. A follow-up appointment with the surgeon should be scheduled within a week after the procedure for evaluation and to discuss any questions or concerns. The patient may also need to return for additional appointments as needed to ensure proper healing. Results are usually visible immediately after surgery, with full results seen within two weeks once all swelling has resolved.

Removal of buccal fat is an office based procedure designed to remove the baby fat that in many patient persists through adulthood,. Dr. Anthony Bared.
Small incisions are made within the mouth from which the buccal fat pad is removed.
It takes less than 45 minutes in most cases to perform, it involves the removal of the collection of fat through a small incision made inside of the mouth.
Typical fat extracted from the buccal fat pad seen in the photo.

This buccal fat removal procedure can be performed stand-alone, or at the same time as a facelift to provide a more sculpted facial appearance, in particular helping to enhance the definition of the cheekbones. Click here to contact Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Bared to discuss your treatment options.

Why Choose Dr. Anthony Bared

Dr. Anthony Bared
Anthony Bared, M.D., F.A.C.S.